Analogy-making as perception - a computer model
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منابع مشابه
Beyond Copycat: Incorporating Self-Watching into a Computer Model of High-Level Perception and Analogy-Making
This paper summarizes recent work on extending the architecture of the Copycat analogymaking program to include the ability to monitor certain aspects of its own processing as it solves analogy problems. It discusses several important weaknesses of the Copycat model and outlines current efforts aimed at overcoming these limitations.
متن کاملMaking Sense of Analogies in Metacat
This paper outlines the main ideas and objectives of the Metacat project, an extension of the Copycat computer model of analogy-making and high-level perception. The principal features of Metacat that allow it to make sense of analogies suggested to it by the user are described using a simple example.
متن کاملThe Metacat Project: A Self-Watching Model of Analogy-Making
This paper presents a broad overview of the Metacat project, an extension of the Copycat computer model of uid concepts, high-level perception, and analogy-making. Copycat models the complex, subconscious interplay between concepts and perception that gives rise to the exible human ability to perceive apparently-dissimilar situations as being \the same". A key feature of the architecture is the...
متن کاملMetacat: A Self-Watching Cognitive Architecture for Analogy-Making and High-Level Perception
This dissertation describes Metacat, an extension of the Copycat computer model of analogy-making and high-level perception developed by Douglas Hofstadter and Melanie Mitchell as part of a research program aimed at computationally modeling the fundamental mechanisms underlying human cognition. Central to the philosophy of Copycat is the belief that the ability of the human mind to perceive ana...
متن کاملA self-watching model of analogy-making and perception
This paper describes Metacat, an extension of the Copycat model of analogy-making. The development of Copycat focused on modeling context-sensitive concepts and the ways in which they interact with perception within an abstract microworld of analogy problems. This approach differs from most other models of analogy in its insistence that concepts acquire their semantics from within the system it...
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